My Story

It’s been nearly ten years since I experienced the power of talk therapy firsthand. Witnessing its profound impact sparked a desire within me to offer similar support and guidance to others. While it wasn’t an immediate leap, the notion lingered in the back of my mind. Then, life’s unpredictable twists and turns nudged me down that very path.

I embarked on a course exploring counselling skills and hypnotherapy, initially planning to become a counsellor. However, the early modules heavily focused on hypnotherapy with an introduction to counselling methods. As I delved deeper into the studies and practical work, I found myself captivated by the sheer power of the subconscious mind. Witnessing the remarkable transformations unlocked through hypnotherapy, it became crystal clear – this was the type of therapist I aspired to be.

This work resonates deeply with me. I find immense satisfaction in empowering clients to achieve lasting change in this unique way.

So, if you’re yearning to break free from limiting patterns and behaviours, let’s chat! Book a free 20-minute discovery call and explore the possibilities together.

Copyright © 2024 Sam Stevens Hypnotherapy